Privacy Policy

How we handle your data for free users:

  • All of your data including chat history, chat messages, settings, folders, and prompts are stored locally on your browser (using Local Storage).
    • We do not send any of users chats to our servers
    • We do not send users credential to our server.
    • We cannot login to users account at any time
  • Users with Pro subscription can enable the option to save their folder structure, settings, and prompts remotely and automatically sync them across multiple devices.
  • We do not save your ChatGPT Login Authentication in our servers, and we are not able to login to your account in any way at any time.
  • When you install Superpower ChatGPT, an account with your email address is created in our database. When you upgrade to Pro, your subscription is saved and associated with the same email address as your ChatGPT email address.
  • When you send a message on ChatGPT your request goes to OpenAI API endpoints and the response comes back directly from the OpenAI as well.
  • Requests are sent and received directly from your browser to OpenAI's server and vice versa using secured transport protocol HTTPS. There is no middle server and no one else can see the requests, responses and their content.
  • When a new version of Superpower ChatGPT is available, it will automatically update in the background. You might also see a popup that notifies you about the new version with a button to update immediately.

Third-party services we use on Superpower ChatGPT:

  • We use AWS to host our website, backend, and database.
  • Our server endpoint is on
  • We use Stripe to handle the payment process for Pro subscription. We do not store any payment information, only the subscription status and email address.